Live #31 – A dose of French positivity

Today I want to warm your heart a little bit with some nice positive French words my friend.

Live #21 – Verbs to live in French

Every Saturday at 6pm CET, we meet live so I can answer your questions about French language my friend.

Live #20 – I can understand French but I cannot speak it

Every Saturday at 6pm CET, we meet live so I can answer your questions about French language my friend.

Live #19 – the French verb MANQUER

Every Saturday at 6pm CET, we meet live so I can answer your questions about French language my friend.

Live #18 – French conjugation at the Subjonctif tense for verbs to be/to have/to go/to do

Every Saturday at 6pm CET, we meet live so I can answer your questions about French language my friend.

Live #17 – Countries, vocabulary and a verb conjugated in every major French tense

Every Saturday at 6pm CET, we meet live so I can answer your questions about French language my friend.

Live #16 – Easter vocabulary in French with verbs and sentences or Joyeuses Pâques

Every Saturday at 6pm CET, we meet live so I can answer your questions about French language my friend.

Live #15 – Outdoors and indoor activities and hobbies in French language free video lesson

Every Saturday at 6pm CET, we meet live so I can answer your questions about French language my friend.

Live #14 – French tense the passé composé with avoir and être

Every Saturday at 6pm CET, we meet live so I can answer your questions about French language my friend.

Live #13 – French vocabulary around current events with sentences and verbs for beginners

Every Saturday at 6pm CET, we meet live so I can answer your questions about French language my friend.

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