Intermediate #68 French verbs with DE

Learn how to use the verbs that have to be used with the preposition “de” my friend. You can memorize a list with verbs using the preposition De (like this one: but you can also train your memory by working with whole sentences my friend. avoir besoin de J’ai besoin d’utiliser des crayons deContinue reading “Intermediate #68 French verbs with DE”

Intermediate #67 Verb To need in French

Learn how to express need and duty in French my friend.

Intermediate #66 French verbs followed by the preposition à and an infinitive

Some French verbs can be followed by an infinitive, but do not forget the preposition “à” my friend.

Intermediate #65 Reflexive verbs with body parts

Learn how to use reflexive verbs with body parts my friend.

Live #37 Français or Le français or Le Français ?

Today we talk about Français: a capital letter or not? a déterminant or not? Let’s have a look my friend.

Intermediate #64 4 French tenses on 1 timeline

Learn how to differentiate betwwen two tenses in the past and two tenses in the future in French my friend.

Beginner #64 French seasons Les saisons

Learn how to pronounce and use the names of the seasons in French my friend.

Beginner #63 Easy French Participe présent

Learn how to use the participe présent in French my friend.

Beginner #62 French Verbs and their subjects

Learn how to get familiar with the structure of a French sentence my friend.

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