Advanced #62 French grammar Adjectif verbal or Participe présent ?

Learn the difference between the French adjectif verbal and the participe présent my friend.

Intermediate #61 French pronouns within sentences

Observe French sentences with complex pronouns and learn how to tell the difference and use the appropriate French pronouns my friend.

Intermediate #58 French déterminants et pronoms possessifs for intermediates

Learn how French possessifs déterminants and pronoms work my friend.

Intermediate #56 The French pronoun EN

Learn how to use the French pronoun EN my friend.

Advanced #54 Leur and lui in French

Learn how to use Leur as the plural of Lui within French sentences for advanced French learners my friend.

Intermediate #53 French Il vaut mieux que and Il faut que

Learn how to use French verbs valoir and falloir my friend.

Advanced #50 French adjectives and present participles

Learn how to differentiate between adjectives and present participles that sound the same in French my friend.

Intermediate #49 French Prepositions Holidays Special | Part 1

Learn how to use many French prepositions witin sentences about the winter holiday my friend.

Intermediate #41 French verbs partir sortir quitter

Learn how to use the French verbs partir, sortir and quitter my friend. partir quitter partir (de) to leave, go away quitter to leave (behind) Tu pars demain ? Are you leaving tomorrow? Demain nous sortons. C’est prévu. Tomorrow we go out. This is scheduled. Vous ne partirez pas de Nice sans lui dire auContinue reading “Intermediate #41 French verbs partir sortir quitter”

Advanced #30 Demonstrative pronouns in French

How do you use celui, celui-ci or celui-ca in French my friend? Let’s use examples and find out.

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