Intermediate #69 French verbs visiter and rendre visite

Learn how to use the verb to visit in French my friend. Aujourd’hui, je visite le musée d’art moderne en très bonne compagnie, j’ai de la chance ! Today, I visit the museum of modern art in very good company, I am lucky! Demain, je visiterai le centre-ville de Rome, même s’il est bondé deContinue reading “Intermediate #69 French verbs visiter and rendre visite”

Beginner #65 What you need to know about the French letter H

Learn how to the French letter H works my friend.

Intermediate #61 French pronouns within sentences

Observe French sentences with complex pronouns and learn how to tell the difference and use the appropriate French pronouns my friend.

Beginner #58 French déterminants et pronoms possessifs for beginners

Learn how to use French déterminants and pronoms possessifs my friend.

Intermediate #54 French sans cesse

Learn how to use “sans cesse” in French my friend.

Advanced #53 French quelque chose de

Learn how to use “quelque chose de” within French sentences for advanced French learners my friend.

Intermediate #53 French Il vaut mieux que and Il faut que

Learn how to use French verbs valoir and falloir my friend.

Beginner #52 The last and last in French

Learn how to differentiate between la semaine dernière and la dernière semaine in French language my friend.

Intermediate #51 Y and déjà in French

Learn how to use y and déjà within whole French sentences my friend.

Advanced #50 French adjectives and present participles

Learn how to differentiate between adjectives and present participles that sound the same in French my friend.

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