Intermediate #68 French verbs with DE

Learn how to use the verbs that have to be used with the preposition “de” my friend. You can memorize a list with verbs using the preposition De (like this one: but you can also train your memory by working with whole sentences my friend. avoir besoin de J’ai besoin d’utiliser des crayons deContinue reading “Intermediate #68 French verbs with DE”

Intermediate #61 French pronouns within sentences

Observe French sentences with complex pronouns and learn how to tell the difference and use the appropriate French pronouns my friend.

Intermediate #39 French for It is forbidden

One of my students asked me why the idea of something being forbidden in French was sometimes used with the verb to be while at other times the verb to have was required. Let’s dive deeper into the French ways of expressing “c’est interdit” my friend.

Advanced #36 French adjective new

Today I teach you two ways of saying new in French my friend.

Beginner #33 Stress pronouns in French

Today I teach you how to use French stress pronouns my friend. Pour parler des gens, nous utilisons les pronoms toniques. When we refer to people, we use stress pronouns.  Tu déjeunes avec ta mère ? Oui, je déjeune avec elle. Are you having lunch with your mother? Yes, I’m having lunch with her. Travaillent-ilsContinue reading “Beginner #33 Stress pronouns in French”

Beginner #23 French vocabulary lesson around the rooms of the house or Les pièces de la maison

Learn how to name each room of your house in French language with complete phrases to practice pronunciation with me my friend! une pièce une chambre une salle a room and a bedroom a meeting room Je suis dans le salon. I am in the living room. Tu es dans la cuisine. You are inContinue reading “Beginner #23 French vocabulary lesson around the rooms of the house or Les pièces de la maison”

Beginner #20 Face parts vocabulary and sentences to pronounce and repeat in French or le visage

Today we learn French vocabulary around the face in detail my friend.

Intermediate #19 Why Have Been is translated by the Present tense and #depuis in #French

Why are the verbs conjugated in the past with Have Been translated into the present in French? Today we work on French sentences using DEPUIS my friend.

Advanced #17 How to #translate #Whether in #French #language? #Phrases with QUE

I have been asked by my advanced students how to translate the word WHETHER in French language. Let’s learn it with sentences my friend.

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