Live #40 – French future tense

I want to show you how easy the French future tense is my friend.

Beginner #33 Stress pronouns in French

Today I teach you how to use French stress pronouns my friend. Pour parler des gens, nous utilisons les pronoms toniques. When we refer to people, we use stress pronouns.  Tu déjeunes avec ta mère ? Oui, je déjeune avec elle. Are you having lunch with your mother? Yes, I’m having lunch with her. Travaillent-ilsContinue reading “Beginner #33 Stress pronouns in French”

Intermediate #19 Why Have Been is translated by the Present tense and #depuis in #French

Why are the verbs conjugated in the past with Have Been translated into the present in French? Today we work on French sentences using DEPUIS my friend.

Beginner #19 #Politics in France #French #vocabulary and simple sentences

Do you want to know vocabulary in French about politics, political parties, democracy and elections? Let’s learn about that topic today my friend!

Advanced #17 How to #translate #Whether in #French #language? #Phrases with QUE

I have been asked by my advanced students how to translate the word WHETHER in French language. Let’s learn it with sentences my friend.

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