Intermediate #72 French grammar direct/indirect complement of the verb

Intermediate #72 French grammar direct/indirect complement of the verb
Intermediate #72 French grammar direct/indirect complement of the verb

Learn how to differentiate between pronouns replacing a direct and an indirect complement of the French verb my friend.

RULE: if the complement is direct (no preposition), use LE (masc. sing.), LA (fem. sing) and LES (plural) to replace the complement, while if the complement is indirect (with a preposition), use LUI (masc. sing.), LUI (fem. sing) and LEUR (plural) to replace the complement.

Thomas invite Mélanie.

Thomas l’invite.

Thomas invites Melanie.

Thomas invites her.

Patricia demande un jus de fruit.

Patricia le demande.

Patricia asks for a juice.

Patricia asks for it.

Noémie téléphone à son amie.

Noémie lui téléphone.

Noémie calls her friend.

Noémie calls her.

Daniel montre son dessin.

Daniel le montre.

Daniel shows his drawing.

Daniel shows it.

Valérie parle à Pauline.

Valérie lui parle.

Valerie talks to Pauline.

Valerie talks to her.

Sophie rend visite à ses amies.

Sophie leur rend visite.

Sophie visits her friends.

Sophie visits them.

Caroline répond à son frère.

Caroline lui répond.

Caroline replies to her brother.

Caroline answers him.

Justine aime Pierre.

Justine l’aime.

Justine loves Pierre.

Justine loves him.

Jelani donne le DVD à son père.

Jelani le lui donne.

Jelani gives the DVD to his father.

Jelani gives it to him.

Edouard écoute ses parents.

Edouard les écoute.

Edouard listens to his parents.

Edouard listens to them.

Léa voit souvent Charlotte.

Léa la voit souvent.

Lea sees Charlotte often.

Léa sees her often.

Asma connaît bien ses voisins.

Asma les connaît bien.

Asma knows her neighbors well.

Asma knows them well.

Dimitri cherche ses lunettes.

Dimitri les cherche.

Dimitri looks for his glasses.

Dimitri is looking for them.

Mon oncle regarde la maison.

Mon oncle la regarde.

My uncle looks at the house.

My uncle looks at it.

Sofiane attend son ami.

Sofiane l’attend.

Sofiane is waiting for his friend.

Sofiane is waiting for him.

Maxime prête sa voiture.

Maxime la prête.

Maxime lends his car.

Maxime lends it.

Mohammed dit toujours la vérité.

Mohammed la dit toujours.

Mohammed always tells the truth.

Mohammed always tells it.

Christophe pose les bonnes questions.

Christophe les pose.

Christophe asks the right questions.

Christophe asks them.

Assa envoie l’email.

Assa l’envoie.

Assa sends the email.

Assa sends it.

Cécile écrit souvent à sa famille.

Cécile lui écrit souvent.

Cecile writes often to her family.

Cecile writes to her often.

Published by Claire SAMUEL

My name is Claire and my mission is to teach you French with a smile my friend!

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