Intermediate #64 4 French tenses on 1 timeline

Intermediate #64 4 French tenses on 1 timeline
Intermediate #64 4 French tenses on 1 timeline

Learn how to differentiate betwwen two tenses in the past and two tenses in the future in French my friend.

Intermediate #64 4 French tenses on 1 timeline

Je suis au présent. I am in the present.

Fred et Marie se sont mariés en France il y a 3 ans. Ils s’étaient fiancés en Italie il y a 4 ans.

Fred and Marie got married in France 3 years ago. They were engaged in Italy 4 years ago.

Quand j’aurai terminé mes devoirs, j’irai au cinéma.

When I finish my homework, I’ll go to the movies.

Published by Claire SAMUEL

My name is Claire and my mission is to teach you French with a smile my friend!

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